Is Terabox Safe, Secure and Legit in 2024? A Deep Dive!

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Terabox and Terabox Mod APK came into limelight with a  big hearted offering of 1TB free storage space. But You might smell a rat here. Why such a wholehearted offering for nothing in return? How Terabox caters with an ever-increasing number of users without charging money? Is your data safe with Terabox? Are they peeking into it or using it without your permission? Maintaining and running a Cloud solution as large as Terabox demands staff and money. How do they afford everything with such a large free clientele? Is Terabox Safe or not?

Well, every aspect regarding Terabox security and privacy is not black and white there are some gray areas where you should halt and consider.  In this article we will take a deep dive into the measures Terabox takes to ensure data safety, security and privacy. Lets start without further ado!

TeraBox Safety Score

TeraBox’s Strong Areas

  • ISO/IEC certifications
  • GDPR Compliant
  • SSL/TLS for file transfer
  • Personal vault
  • Private file sharing
  • Automatic app lock
  • Satisfactory user reviews

Areas That Needs Improvement

  • Lack of Live Customer Support
  • In-app advertisements
  • Privacy policy Concerns

What does Cloud safety mean?

Cloud storage safety has two branches viz a viz

Data security:

This ensures that the data that belongs to clients is safe from corruption either accidentally or maliciously. There is a robust access control system in place to keep your data from anyone and everyone.

 There is a system of security placed to protect the physical hardware of that cloud storage from any intrusion And there is a vigilant mechanism for backup and recovery in case any data gets deleted. You can easily recover deleted files in Terabox.

Privacy Protection:

Privacy Protection means your personal and sensitive data is available only to you; it can not be improperly accessed or used by anyone else. Cloud Services rely on modern strategies of data encryption, access control and keep their doors open for any Audit by international third party organizations which are later published with reports and analysis to establish trust.

Making sure to keep up with the evolving standards regarding the above mentioned security standards for Cloud Storage services and abiding by a user first Privacy Policy is the key to judge how secure and reliable a Cloud Storage Solution really is.

As we have made clear what Cloud Security means, let’s probe into these aspects regarding Terabox.

Certifications and Compliance Terabox Holds

Terabox is ISO/IEC certified!

ISO (International Organization of Standardization)
Is a Geneva based non-governmental, non-profit international organization that demarcates and assures standards of safety, quality and systems.

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
Is an international organization that lays down and publishes the standards regarding electrical, electronic and technologies with its head office in Geneva Switzerland

Terabox holds three ISO/IEC certificates these are:

Terabox Certificate Image

ISO/IEC 27001 (Information Security Management)

Iso 27001 is the world’s best-known standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It denotes the requirements ISMS must meet. Having an Information security system based upon these standards helps minimize cyber attacks and data breaches.

ISO/IEC 27701 (Privacy Information Management)

This document provides guidelines for establishing, maintaining and implementing different measures taken towards improving a Privacy Information management system.

ISO/IEC 27018 (Cloud Privacy and Data Protection)

This standard Establishes guidelines and controls to protect Personally Identifiable Information(PPI).This means Terabox is bound to protect Information that is deemed personal in the statutes of this standard. Any discrepancy can result in serious consequences.

Terabox is Compliant to GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation):

The GDPR is the toughest privacy and security law in the world that came into effect on May 25,2018. This law protects the people and institutions working in the EU against any breach of privacy. Any Cloud service providing its storage space for anyone who resides in the EU falls under the ambit of this regulatory law.  

GDPR can lavy harsh penalties on the maximum penalty it imposes can be €20 million or 4% of global revenue (whichever is higher).

Terabox being compliant to this regulation gives the citizens of the EU who use Terabox more protection against any breach of privacy or data.

Terabox User Confidence and Growth

One way to measure the functionality and security of a Cloud service is to see if that service is trusted by its users or not. Since its inception the number of users Terabox has attracted is ever increasing.

At the time of writing this article Terabox has  320 Million plus users.20 Million active users on daily bases and it is operating in 231 countries. Which is indeed a token of goodwill and trust users and governments have for the services Terabox provides.

Here are some user reviews from the web:

Liz Haha
25 August 2024

I’ve been using this app for more than a year. But my problem now after the update is my photos are not loading. The thumbnails are blank gray and when I click to take a view, it says Fail to Preview. But after few seconds it will load. It’s alarming coz it looks like they’re corrupted. My internet speed is fast anyway so I don’t know why my photos on this app won’t load right like before. Pls fix the issue. Thanks!

Ivo Fontes
29 August 2024

I’m not yet really get used to this application but I like the feeling of having terabyte spaces to store my files. I hope this application works fine in all aspects. Too bad Google and OneDrive nowadays offer to little space.

Is Terabox a Chinese company or Owned by a Chinese Company?

After digging through forums and reviews. We can get the feeling that people are concerned about Terabox being a Chinese company or owned by a Chinese company.

This is a serious problem for them because they have concerns over the intrusion of governments in the daily affairs of its people and their privacy. The second concern is Where Terabox stores Data and the laws of which country apply upon that stored data?
It should be noted here that Terabox is a child company of Flextech, a famous Japanese cloud solution company. Now to the next concern, Terabox stores users’ data within the geographical and political limits of Japan.

Furthermore, Any Cloud storage solution working within Japan’s border must comply with Japan’s data security regulatory laws.

Hence, Terabox is compliant to the Act of Protection of Personal Information (APPI) and other such regulations.

Terabox Security Features

Here we will dive deep into the Technology and Measures Terabox adopts to keep users’ data as safe as possible.

Terabox Uses Cloud Encryption(SSL/TLS)

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Cloud Encryption is a process by which a Plain Text is converted into an unreadable ciphertext. Every time the Data is uploaded to the Cloud (Encryption in transit)  it is first changed into an unreadable cipher and sits there in this unreadable and unrenderable form  (Encryption at rest).

Encryption is the most trusted and strongest method applied to Cloud Storage for data security.

In case of breach of data or privacy the intruder is left with an unreadable Cipher script which he/she is unable to decipher.

Terabox uses the most trusted and difficult to break  methods of cloud encryption these are SSL(Secure Socket Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocols. Both These protocols use symmetric and asymmetric methods. The encryption key rests with the server and another with the client (you) this means anyone else trying to breakthrough can not read your data.

Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

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Two Factor Authentication sometimes referred to as Two Step Verification is a security method that demands an extra factor or step (facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, security pin received on email or phone number) from the user trying to log in. Terabox allows its users to enable Two Factor Authentication to boost the security parameter.

Personal vault with Server Side Encryption

Is Terabox Safe, Secure and Legit in 2024
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Server side encryption is the encryption on the server side that receives data. Every time you try to access that data the server asks for the password or any other two factor authentication measures in place. Terabox Personal vault is the place to keep your most important personal data away from any breach.

File and Folder Sharing Through Expirable Private Links

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Expirable Private Link Screenshot 2

The most sought after feature of Cloud Storage is the possibility of sharing files safely and immediately to a far off destination. Terabox Allows its users to share files and folders easily by sharing the file or folder’s link with someone. The link is expirable this means the user can determine the lifespan of a link while creating it. When the lifespan ends the link expires and the file can not be accessed using that link anymore.

Data Restoring from Recycle Bin

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How to recover deleted files in Terabox Screenshot 2

In case of any accidental deletion of data Terabox retains data for a period of 10 days for basic and a month for premium customers . The data sits safe in the recycle bin . Hence, users can restore the deleted data from the recycle bin.

Automated App Lock

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This feature is important when it comes to data privacy if someone gets hold of your mobile device. In case of inactivity for some seconds the Terabox ‘Screen Lock’ is triggered on. To access Terabox again. The person who has your phone has to enter the pin which they know not and  your data remains safe and secure.

Expert Opinion on Terabox

By Craig Hale

TeraBox’s unique selling point is its 1TB free cloud storage. While there are trade-offs to be had in terms of bandwidth throttling and file size limits, these are all reasonable compromises to make, and the affordable Premium plan is always there if users need greater control.

By Ferdie Tan

TeraBox’s unique selling point is its 1TB free cloud storage. While there are trade-offs to be had in terms of bandwidth throttling and file size limits, these are all reasonable compromises to make, and the affordable Premium plan is always there if users need greater control.


Don’t worry, TeraBox uses cutting-edge technology along with robust encryption and personal vault that will protect all your sensitive data from outsiders. And finally, wondering if TeraBox is reliable? Just know that it is!

 Umesh Kumar

At this point, you will be left with no doubt about TeraBox’s optimum security for users when they share and store files online. The firm is totally committed to upholding the users’ privacy and offering the finest handler practice, unlimited cloud storage, and tight security.

Awards and Accolades for Terabox

In a highly competitive environment where every cloud solution is running the race to win it. Awards and Accolades give us an idea who has outran in the race. Terabox has won. Terabox has won e Red Dot Design Award for Brands and Communication Design along with the French Design Award and the Muse Design Award.

Weak Spots

These are some weak spots as far as the question “Is Terabox Safe” is concerned.

A Vague Privacy Policy

Some points regarding Terabox’s Privacy Policy leave room for speculators to surmise that it might be. Liable to share data with the Government or Law enforcement authorities without user consent in fact the APPI laws have provisions which say the government is to oversee the monitoring of the handling of data by the Cloud services. It may be Liable to share users personal information with third-party buyers for promotion and research purposes.

Lack of Customer Live Support

Terabox lacks a vibrant and responsive Live Customer support system. The Customer support present at the time of writing is quite outdated. Which is somewhat understandable for the large user bulge they have been facing in quite a short period of time. However, we might be looking at an AI bot for efficient customer support in the near future.

Is Terabox Paid Plan More Secure Compared to The Unpaid plan?

Terabox’s Premium plan offers many extra-features compared to the basic plan but there are no extra security features. It seems Terabox values the data privacy here more than a subscription fee because both tiers of users get the same security and privacy checks. Notwithstanding, they pay or not. 

A Guide to Use Terabox Safety and Security

Using a Cloud Service for data storage comes with inherent risks and compromises. Once your data is on the cloud it sits in a space that is accessible to anyone around the globe. Terabox and other services work around the clock to ensure data safety and privacy by updating security checks from time to time but no one can ensure a 100 percent secure environment. You can follow these precautions to ensure there are no loopholes from your side.

  • Use long and strong Password (similar to the ones many websites auto-generate for suggestions) having symbols,numbers,capital and small case letters.
  •  You are advised to Enable the Auto screen lock option that locks the screen after a period of inactivity.
  • Give the Terabox app as few permissions as it needs to function properly.
  • Use the Terabox personal vault effectively to make sure you have the most important data sitting in the Personal vault.
  • Enable 2 Factor Authentication(2FA) to add an extra layer of passcode between your data and the intruder.
  • You may find straying Terabox links on the web. Don’t  open those links on your Terabox Accounts.
  • Keep the Android version of your phone and the Terabox app up to date.
  • To avoid loss of data, keep a backup in another cloud service or locally in a hard disk.
  • Keep track of your account activity to detect any suspicious activity or unauthorized access.
  • Never store your sensitive data on Terabox. Data about your business and office work should sit in a place more secure.
  • Users are advised to clear cache periodically as it helps deleting unnecessary information and data stored in memory.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

No, Is not a Chinese company, Is owned by Flextech (Japanese Company). Its under operate by Japan’s Data Security Law.

No one not even Terabox or any other cloud solution service can assure you of 100 percent secuity. Because using a cloud storage service comes with inherent risks.

However, Terabox uses the state of the art measures and technologies to keep its user’s data secure and safe. Furthermore, Terabox is bound by national and international laws regarding data safety and privacy.

You can download and use Terabox on by visiting its official website. Terabox app for Smartphone is available on Google Playstore.

Another option is to use Terabox Mod Apk which is an unofficial version of Terabox modified to unlock some premium features for free.

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